Korean Central News Agency

Site Name: Korean Central News Agency

Site address: http://www.kcna.kp

Organization: Korean Central News Agency

Site host: The site is hosted inside the DPRK’s IP address space by Star JV

Domain registration: No details available.

Site Contents: The Korean Central News Agency is the main, state-run news organization. It is responsible for all news in North Korea and also distributes photos. The content is available in Korean, English, Spanish and Japanese. From Jan. 1, 2011, the site also began offering video.

It is the second KCNA website available after a Tokyo-based site, but this site generally provides news first. It additionally carries KCNA photos, which are not available on the Japanese website.

History: The site appeared in early October and was the first to be found in North Korea’s new IP address space. It was renewed in early December to include Korean-language news. On Jan. 12, 2011, it became available via the star.edu.kp domain name. It had previously been accessible via an IP address only. On Jan. 21 its IP address changed and the Star.edu.kp domain name stopped working. The following day it launched it kcna.kp address.

Last update: April 16, 2011

17 Comments on "Korean Central News Agency"

  1. .KP in use at last!

    The good news: It has a search engine.
    The bad news: Maximum 10 characters!

    The result: Serious searchers still have to resort to the
    irreverent but indispensable nk-news.net

    Happy new rabbit!

    Aidan FC

  2. i wonder how long this will last, considerably the power swap

  3. there are many fake korean news websites .these are against north korea and give false news. please give attention toward these.

  4. I understand tension are high with the US and your country North Korea. Please have some patience with us and consider peace so that the world can integrate your scope of reasoning fairly. We are all of the same mother earth and are bonded with nature so do not let a misunderstanding of philosophy deter cooperation. I need time to live so I can resolve the differences that beset all of us as 1 (one). Look into your heart and you will see that we all want the same recognition for our space in time so look in our direction with an open mind and we will give our consideration for your emotional needs of identification. Don’t be misguided by a grudge for us because we don’t feel that way for you in America.

  5. We must all be willing to be trained to adopt beliefs. The Jews were not willing to be trained and that’s why they killed Christ. Show your humanity to the world. We admire that. All must be forgiven on both sides so we will live in peace. I wish your country success DPRK.

  6. FREEDOM is available to you! Kim Jon Un is NOT the “supreme leader”! YOU are!

  7. I have an unlicensed copy of the interview and going to show it to everyone on Christmas day as well as team America so suck it north korea, it will still be shown to a lot of people and will distribute this so that every one can watch it fuck all of you and suck it.

  8. I do feel sorry for North Korea’s people. Their leader is egotistical, arrogant & narssisstic. He doesn’t care for his own people, only of himself and how he looks as someone who runs a country based on the fact he was born into it.

    If the people of North Korea were able to be free, elections would eliminate this jerk from leadership.

    His rants about attacking the United States is only talk. What the U.S. should to is destroy the government Infrastructure so there would be no way of leadership and then the people would come forth and take over.

    OR…..someone would step up and eliminate Kim Jong Un on their own. This person would become a hero!

  9. This web site attempts to infect your computer with the “Fake Flash Update Download 2” virus.

  10. Found this. It appears to be the server for the news agency.

  11. Before to speak against N.Korea, first learn about its history, second Usa only criticises “dictatorship” which are against it, but never the one which are useful to them in one way or the other.
    Third try to visit N. Korea and its people and then have an opinion, no the opinion of the controlled western media of today.
    In N. Korea wether you like or not, there are not homeless people like in USA. Two years ago there were 2 and a half millions in the whole USA. In N.K. there are not rich people who control the economy and poor people like in USA.
    Majority of citizens are educated and show an education superior to the one in USA, etc,etc If you do not believe it go there and see it by yourself,don’t go only with a critica l mentality as the wester journalist ordered by their bosses to see only the wrong to make propaganda for the ignorants

  12. Alfonso, I like your comment a lot of which is true.
    I live in the Uk and throughout my life I have had freedom to make lifestyle choices, some good some bad, but that was my choice.
    We live in a wonderful world which should be free to all.
    I really wish this for the people of North Korea.

  13. Alfonso,
    I would love to visit, but your government does not allow most people to visit. Why? What are they hiding? And those that are allowed to visit must always have an escort and are only allowed to see a few places.
    Sometimes visitors will come back with pictures of the things they saw in North Korea, and let me tell you, I would rather be homeless than starving like the people I see in so many of those photos.
    And you’re right, there are not “rich people” who control your economy, there is a “rich person,” who controls your economy.

  14. Richard Wright | September 30, 2016 at 00:43 | Reply

    Hi North Korea,
    This is Richard of the United States of America.
    Here in America we have politicians who can seem to be motivated by their own ambitions or the ambitions of business owners they know or here from. This allows illegal immigration of people to drain America’s resources and usurp job opportunities meant for American citizens according to the Preamble of the constitution of the United States of America.
    Your leader Kim Jong should help to make North Korea a viable economic force in the world we share together, not a nuclear force that threatens it’s neighbors.
    Kim Jong is a good leader who I think should look more to help his people. Kim Jong does keep North Korea safe. Safety is important. Happiness is important also. When the people prosper because the leader has helped to make prosperity happen. The people will love their leader, and the remembrance of that leader shall never be forgotten. He shall be celebrated and honored through out time.
    I sincerely hope that Kim Jong will be that leader. He seems like a man who has been taught to protect his government. To do that with the least amount of effort requires a leader to look upon the people and address their needs. When the people suffer and are weak, so is the whole of the nation. God bless the people of North Korea.

  15. rw.dw71@yahoo.com | December 20, 2017 at 21:45 | Reply

    Ron A/ Richard W- you must be a bleeding heart liberal. Bow to thar repressive regime?

    Ever think about those in the prisons there? They would do to you as they do to their own.

    Your statements show lack knowledg, information. Kim taught to “protect his govt” ( by fear) , suffrage and

    weak ( suppression), address “their needs”.

    Only a moron with unrealistic ideas would state what you do, or a communist.

    Try living there. You would change your perspective.

    Maybe take a few history subjects as you both probably live ( leech) from your parents.

    NK is a dump.

  16. Edward T Jonas | May 10, 2018 at 12:08 | Reply

    Kim Jong-un has shown he is serious about wanting a pease treaty and deneculearization of the Korean Peninsula when stating he will allow inspectors watch the dismantaling of necular wepons and recently releasing three Americans who were in prison. I believe that Kim Jong-un would make a very big statement that would greatly impress the President of the United States and the American people if he returned the USS Peublo. If this peace proposal is successful this would be a great accomplishment and historical victory for Kim Jong-un.

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